Wednesday, April 29, 2015


That's right. I said it. I am graduating. I am a third year law student who is done with classes, has two final exams left- and then I'm done. Done with school. Done with lectures. Done with the Socratic method. Okay maybe not done- I do have 2.5 months of Bar Prep ahead of me... which means daily lectures over the internet and 12 hour days of studying. All leading up to the Mother of all final exams. The bar exam. 

Things I wish I would have known my 1L year- I guess the big thing is that if you don't know the answer you won't die. But your classmates will judge you. Because we all want to be lawyers. We all want to be successful. Sometimes you get it- ok the Blackhawks were on til 2am- you can be confused about the case. Other times we stare, whisper... how does this person not know- did they not even read? But here's the thing- I've had a few classes where I haven't read - like at all- and gotten an A. I've had a few classes where I studied my ass off, knew every case- and got a C+. Most of the time though, the amount of work you put in is what you get out of it. 

What have I done since 1L year? Well I worked as a Graduate Assistant in the legal office on campus. I got into a dispute with my boss there and quit after one year. I was a 7-11 intern at a Public Defender's office. I've been a Research Assistant for the immigration law professor. I've developed a passion/love/what-have-you for helping people. I want to make a difference. I want to use my education for the good. How's that for a rose-colored glasses dream? 

The thing is I know I can make a difference. I do it every day. I have 3 rescued dogs, and I foster dogs from a local shelter. By me taking care of them for a few weeks here and there I am able to ensure that the dog isn't euthanized and that they go to a good home. I had to put my baby girl- Eva Diva (Yorkie- left) down over spring break. I cried so hard I caused myself some serious nose/sinus problems. I learned a lot about responsibility and adulthood and making tough calls because of owning her. She was special needs- going blind, bow-legged, arthritis, and a bit senile and violent in the end. I still have a scar on my wrist from when she bit me one time. 

I'm moving in with my boyfriend up in WI. I'm still going to practice in IL. After the bar, when I have a for sure job lined up we may relocate closer to work. In the meanwhile we are in the house he grew up in. He's considering buying it. The house has grown on me. I have my own office in one of the bedrooms. My boyfriend's done a good job helping me get it ready for non-stop studying starting in a few weeks. And the dogs love the fenced in yard. :) 

My nephew who was born April 1 of my 1L year is now 2. He's a doll. We have so much fun. I love going up to my mom/brother's house and playing with him. I'm able to play with him now because, while 1L year I gained probably 60+ pounds I've lost 80 pounds. I now run races. I'm riding a plateau right now that is beyond frustrating. But I am training for my first Half-Marathon in September! I've become an active person, someone who loves being out and about, doing things.There is more to life then sleep and food. Though lets be honest I still need a solid 8 hours to function. And my love of food isn't going anywhere... lol 

I didn't get the JAG position, but it was an incredible experience
I cannot believe how far I've come. How my attitude has changed. How much law school has changed me and shaped me into who I am. I'm more philanthropic than well any of my classmates. Most of whom came into school with wanting to help- and who leave wanting to make money. I came in with this grand idea of making money while kind of helping people- now I know I won't ever be rich- but I'll have the love of animals, the respect of my peers, and be able to sleep well at night knowing I am making a difference.  

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome and you are going to continue to be awesome throughout your life! You kick ass!
