Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Midterms- They Don't Count but They Do Stress You Out

Deep Breath. Midterms are being returned. I studied. I outlined for all my classes. I wrote the briefs for the cases. I paid attention... at least I think I did. I've been called on a couple times, I knew what I was talking about... or did I? You never can tell with law professors. Questions... that is all they ask, oddly enough that is how they answer questions too... with questions. MADDENING would be the word you are looking for. OK tangent done... or as it is called in some of my classes "detour in frolic" complete.

Exams... "Practice Exam" "Midterm" in your 1L year the purpose of these exams is to teach you what to expect on the finals at the end of the semester. What is on the exam depends on the professor. For one of my classes I got a page with 30 multiple choice questions and access to all my books and notes. WORST TEST EVER. Open Book/Open Notes tests are a cruel joke. For those of you who have attended NIU, yes this was the test from the professor you are thinking of, yes it was hard. No I was not happy with my grade. On my other exams I received a fact pattern. On one test the professor had questions he wanted you to answer. In the other two classes ALL I got was a fact pattern. Then it was read, figure out the issues, and write/type as fast as I could logically go. In one instance I was given access to my books, this was a little helpful, but not as much as you would think.

What is the worst part of getting these exams back? Getting them back and realizing that for the first time in your life busting ass, studying long hours, and "being an overachiever" like you always have been lands you right in the middle of the pack. Why? Because the bottom of the curve has already been cut off thanks to the admissions process.

So after a few days of crying and wondering if I will ever be able to do this I came to a conclusion. I'M IN LAW SCHOOL. I have already shown that I am smart. It is ok to be "average" amongst smart people. So I am now officially going to still work hard, still study long hours, but really really really try to be ok with being "in the middle of the pack".

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