Monday, December 17, 2012

Finals, 5 Down 1 to Go

Finals. F*%k I never actually learned this $h*t.

But I did, for the most part. I know what is going on. Yes I review and study, and spend hours memorizing flash cards, but I know a lot of what is going on. I actually have some sort of a clue. Most of the time. I've finished each exam early, which is either a sign I know what is going on, or a sign I'm clueless, I'll find out in January.

Its crazy. So much stuff to study, so many things to learn. Torts is all that I have left. I have about NO motivation left to study. And it is closed book, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Essay. Egh. But it should be okay. Test isn't until Wednesday, I know most of the flash cards, it is just remembering all the steps to the Negligence claims.

Basic Legal Research- difficult, but went ok. I think I nailed it.

Legal Writing- Time crunch, crazy hard, never dreamt a test could put so much info into one exam. It was a good precursor to the big four exams.

Property- went well. Essay and multiple choice and short answer. Got done early, and did not exceed the word limit... I wonder about it, I felt good when it was done though.

Contracts- made me feel like I got punched in the stomach. Got done early, figured I couldn't think of anything else. I hope I made all the needed arguments. The test was intense. 3 Essay Questions.

Civil Pro- made we want to cry. 100 multiple choice questions. About 1/4 of the way through I wanted to be done. It was so difficult. I wanted to curl up in a little ball and just cry.

Torts- yet to be taken. Closed book. Intentional, Negligence, Defenses, Evidence (overview) should be horrible, hopefully doable.

Getting ready to move on Thurs/Fri/Sat. Hopefully. Money fell through and I've been forced to come up with $1200 in a short amount of time. Hopefully one of my family members/ family friends is able to help me out.

Wish me luck to make it through this week. I'm going to need it.

On another note, Rest In Peace to the victims in Connecticut. You will not be forgotten. Senseless horror. The law student in me cannot help but wonder who will be sued and for what. The families deserve some money, but I don't know where it will come from. I feel morbid wondering about it, but that is where my brain is at right now. Lots of love to all the families.

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