Thursday, April 11, 2013


I apologize for not updating recently. Life has been very crazy the last few weeks. So lets see where to begin. 

Easter went well. Went with my boyfriend's parents to a brunch thing. The food was good, and we had fun. Then we watched Zero-Dark-Thirty. It was okay. Not as fantastic as I was hoping. 

My nephew was born on 4-1-13. I went to see him and help my brother get settled in the apartment. It was crazy. My nephew is beautiful. I hope his mom and him move far away from my brother, who I am confident is loco. 

The Appellate Brief was due on Monday April 8. I'm so glad to have it done. 30 pages. Shorter than my senior seminar but much harder to do. I have my oral argument tomorrow, which is a bit nerve racking. Well a lot nerve racking. I have the stomach flu. I'm doing good if I can make it through one class 50 minutes before I have to run to the bathroom. Its really not fun. I need to be better by tomorrow. Or at least from 1-3 tomorrow. I still have to make my folder, and well do everything. I've accomplished like nothing. Ewww. Its going to suck. 

I have my Basic Legal Research final on Monday. There is an optional review today at 1. I'm hoping to stay healthy enough to make it through. Gah I just want to go home. 

Well my professors have been saying some pretty interesting things so here are some more quotes: 

War on Terror. War on Hunger. War on Drugs. There are a lot of wars going on buddy.

I have a piece of wisdom for you; you will never make money betting optimistically on the Cubs.

Did the lights go out or was that a cloud? Or am I going to stroke out? If I stroke out class is not dismissed you have to take care of me, that’s an implied condition here.

Today I’m going to attempt to teach you attempt.

Amanda you look upset what’s wrong? I’ve been researching conspiracy and I’m contemplating stuff, sorry my mind was wondering. Well it’s a good thing it was wandering in here… and not contracts. Could you imagine wow that girl is really thinking about the UCC 2-202….

Some people work in Mexican Restaurants, others rob banks…

Moral of this story, never leave your husband alone. He might decide to rob a bank. People have interesting fantasy lives.

Why did we have a TV show called Friends? These are the real friends, instead of just sleeping with each other they shoot each other.

MPC 2.02 this is supposed to haunt you in your dreams.

Don’t start drinking in the morning until you’ve had at least 30 years in practice. Then it will come naturally.
I’m finally getting it don’t mess with my head.

Guy yawns in class… poor thing tough weekend? No the weekend ended 2 days ago.

If only criminals would all use Toyotas or Hondas. Nobody would be able to find them because they all look the same. Oh is that a racist comment? (ya she really said this... wow) 

I just lied because I wanted to ruin his life. 

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