Wednesday, April 29, 2015


That's right. I said it. I am graduating. I am a third year law student who is done with classes, has two final exams left- and then I'm done. Done with school. Done with lectures. Done with the Socratic method. Okay maybe not done- I do have 2.5 months of Bar Prep ahead of me... which means daily lectures over the internet and 12 hour days of studying. All leading up to the Mother of all final exams. The bar exam. 

Things I wish I would have known my 1L year- I guess the big thing is that if you don't know the answer you won't die. But your classmates will judge you. Because we all want to be lawyers. We all want to be successful. Sometimes you get it- ok the Blackhawks were on til 2am- you can be confused about the case. Other times we stare, whisper... how does this person not know- did they not even read? But here's the thing- I've had a few classes where I haven't read - like at all- and gotten an A. I've had a few classes where I studied my ass off, knew every case- and got a C+. Most of the time though, the amount of work you put in is what you get out of it. 

What have I done since 1L year? Well I worked as a Graduate Assistant in the legal office on campus. I got into a dispute with my boss there and quit after one year. I was a 7-11 intern at a Public Defender's office. I've been a Research Assistant for the immigration law professor. I've developed a passion/love/what-have-you for helping people. I want to make a difference. I want to use my education for the good. How's that for a rose-colored glasses dream? 

The thing is I know I can make a difference. I do it every day. I have 3 rescued dogs, and I foster dogs from a local shelter. By me taking care of them for a few weeks here and there I am able to ensure that the dog isn't euthanized and that they go to a good home. I had to put my baby girl- Eva Diva (Yorkie- left) down over spring break. I cried so hard I caused myself some serious nose/sinus problems. I learned a lot about responsibility and adulthood and making tough calls because of owning her. She was special needs- going blind, bow-legged, arthritis, and a bit senile and violent in the end. I still have a scar on my wrist from when she bit me one time. 

I'm moving in with my boyfriend up in WI. I'm still going to practice in IL. After the bar, when I have a for sure job lined up we may relocate closer to work. In the meanwhile we are in the house he grew up in. He's considering buying it. The house has grown on me. I have my own office in one of the bedrooms. My boyfriend's done a good job helping me get it ready for non-stop studying starting in a few weeks. And the dogs love the fenced in yard. :) 

My nephew who was born April 1 of my 1L year is now 2. He's a doll. We have so much fun. I love going up to my mom/brother's house and playing with him. I'm able to play with him now because, while 1L year I gained probably 60+ pounds I've lost 80 pounds. I now run races. I'm riding a plateau right now that is beyond frustrating. But I am training for my first Half-Marathon in September! I've become an active person, someone who loves being out and about, doing things.There is more to life then sleep and food. Though lets be honest I still need a solid 8 hours to function. And my love of food isn't going anywhere... lol 

I didn't get the JAG position, but it was an incredible experience
I cannot believe how far I've come. How my attitude has changed. How much law school has changed me and shaped me into who I am. I'm more philanthropic than well any of my classmates. Most of whom came into school with wanting to help- and who leave wanting to make money. I came in with this grand idea of making money while kind of helping people- now I know I won't ever be rich- but I'll have the love of animals, the respect of my peers, and be able to sleep well at night knowing I am making a difference.  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Survived

Sorry for the delay- I got done with 1L year and started summer classes, and well here goes.

I made it through the finals. They were tough. There were technical glitches, panic moments, and hours spent hunched over textbooks, notes, computers, and outlines.

But I made it through. And I earned a higher GPA than last semester! :)

My cumulative GPA is above a 3.0. I feel this is a success. :) Highest grade as a 1L? Criminal Law (A). Lowest Grade? 3 way tie- 1st semester civil pro, 2nd semester contracts & legal writing (C+).

Tomorrow is my summer school final for land use controls. Tuesday is my summer school final for corporations. I'm an rising 1L- though I feel because I'm in these classes I am truly a 2L. 1/3 done with law school.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So it is hot outside. And my apartment is an oven. The AC is on, high, but it isn't working very well. Which sucks. I am babysitting a kitty this summer, and she arrived at my apartment today. So far she is okay with me so long as I stay away from her. She will warm up in time. Or it will be a long summer of her in one room and me in another. :-/

I am officially finished with Contracts and Civil Procedure! Which is pretty exciting. I never have to have civ pro again! How exciting is that? I'll take more classes with my Contracts  professor, he is pretty awesome. I will NEVER (so long as I can help it) take another class with my civ pro prof. He's nuts.

My contracts exam was 20 multiple choice and 2 essay questions. Open everything, notes/books. Which is kind of a cruel joke because that means you have to know everything. But I think the exam went okay. My civil procedure exam was 100 multiple choice questions. Open everything. It was a treasure hunt. Try to find the rule that applies in as little time as possible. I know basically nothing about civil procedure, after 2 semesters of class. I'm not really ok with this. I shall have to take Conflicts as a 3L in order to learn civil procedure well enough ish for the bar exam.

I'm studying for my criminal law exam on Saturday. It is 1 or 2 essay questions. I don't remember what she finally decided. Closed book. I forgot how many cases we have read until I sat down to make a case chart. Sooo many cases. I think I know the rules etc. But I may not, idk. It shall be interesting.

I'm ready to be done, but I don't really get a break because my last exam is Wednesday and summer school starts Monday... but I shall have a nice break after summer school before I go back in for fall classes.

Speaking of becoming a 2L. I got to pick my classes. I'm taking Constitutional Law II, Criminal Procedure: Investigation, Evidence, Entertainment Law, and Sexuality in the Law. 16 credits. I will work for 10 hours a week at my GA position with the Students Legal Assistance Office. It shall be busy... but 2L year is work you to death.

So I'm going to watch "The Voice" for the first time like ever tonight. My mom really likes it, and I basically love Blake Shelton, so why not take a little break from murder and madness?

2 Finals stand between me and the completion of my 1L year. Here we go.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Winding Down

So the semester is coming to an end. Which means review questions. Which means lots of review classes. They are helpful, but at the same time when I understand something, I'm like okay stop talking... I want to talk about what I don't understand. Rather than beating a dead horse to another death. Gah. Except wait you can't kill someone/something twice. Yup that is something we have talked about. 

I am kind of excited for the semester to be over. Finals last about 3 weeks, but it is only 4 tests. There are 3-4 days between each test. So its kind of like, study your brains out, take a test. Study, take a test. It's kind of a break I guess. I start summer school right after finals are done. So that will be interesting. But when summer school is done I have a little over a month of working 15 hours a week, which is like a mini vacation as well. I'm trying to get some sort of a light at the end of the tunnel. 

I'm dreading studying for Civil Procedure. I haven't learned ANY of it this semester. Partly my fault, partly the fault of the nincompoop professor who refuses to actually teach. So I have a semester's worth of Civil Procedure to learn in 4 days. I don't even want to think about it. 

I realize I haven't posted any professor quotes in awhile so here are the latest: 

Sometimes I think, does that make sense, yes it does. Oh wait no it doesn't  Then I get a headache for like a half an hour. So just don’t think about it.

Older student in class says—sorry I’m kind of senile. Prof says: no I’m older than you so that doesn't work.

You can’t deflect it; I’m looking right at you.

Don’t you miss me? Of course you do, I can’t say the same for me.

Huge Thunder noise… “Don’t worry you’re safe in here.”

It feels weird being in jeans.

I can sue him; I can sue that son of a bitch.

Professor is talking about how he dislikes the Jeffersonian interpretation and how it comes into the 14th Amendment. BIG thunder clap. “God’s a Jeffersonian. I still stand by what I said though.”

You Betcha—that’s technical talk.

It’s like Downton Abby telling your servants what to do.

I am not going senile I refuse to acknowledge it God Damn it!

Then we will talk about the dormant commerce clause, snaps his fingers above his head, ummm kay.

I’d like to blame my secretary but actually I did this myself.

That’s a long ass question.

Does anybody want to fight me? Well don’t cause that’s the law.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Preparing for Oral Arguments

Finished my folder just a few minutes ago. 23 Case Summary Cards. I made it backwards/upside down because I forgot when you flip index cards the cases are upside down. but whatever, it'll work. 

Wish me Luck!


I apologize for not updating recently. Life has been very crazy the last few weeks. So lets see where to begin. 

Easter went well. Went with my boyfriend's parents to a brunch thing. The food was good, and we had fun. Then we watched Zero-Dark-Thirty. It was okay. Not as fantastic as I was hoping. 

My nephew was born on 4-1-13. I went to see him and help my brother get settled in the apartment. It was crazy. My nephew is beautiful. I hope his mom and him move far away from my brother, who I am confident is loco. 

The Appellate Brief was due on Monday April 8. I'm so glad to have it done. 30 pages. Shorter than my senior seminar but much harder to do. I have my oral argument tomorrow, which is a bit nerve racking. Well a lot nerve racking. I have the stomach flu. I'm doing good if I can make it through one class 50 minutes before I have to run to the bathroom. Its really not fun. I need to be better by tomorrow. Or at least from 1-3 tomorrow. I still have to make my folder, and well do everything. I've accomplished like nothing. Ewww. Its going to suck. 

I have my Basic Legal Research final on Monday. There is an optional review today at 1. I'm hoping to stay healthy enough to make it through. Gah I just want to go home. 

Well my professors have been saying some pretty interesting things so here are some more quotes: 

War on Terror. War on Hunger. War on Drugs. There are a lot of wars going on buddy.

I have a piece of wisdom for you; you will never make money betting optimistically on the Cubs.

Did the lights go out or was that a cloud? Or am I going to stroke out? If I stroke out class is not dismissed you have to take care of me, that’s an implied condition here.

Today I’m going to attempt to teach you attempt.

Amanda you look upset what’s wrong? I’ve been researching conspiracy and I’m contemplating stuff, sorry my mind was wondering. Well it’s a good thing it was wandering in here… and not contracts. Could you imagine wow that girl is really thinking about the UCC 2-202….

Some people work in Mexican Restaurants, others rob banks…

Moral of this story, never leave your husband alone. He might decide to rob a bank. People have interesting fantasy lives.

Why did we have a TV show called Friends? These are the real friends, instead of just sleeping with each other they shoot each other.

MPC 2.02 this is supposed to haunt you in your dreams.

Don’t start drinking in the morning until you’ve had at least 30 years in practice. Then it will come naturally.
I’m finally getting it don’t mess with my head.

Guy yawns in class… poor thing tough weekend? No the weekend ended 2 days ago.

If only criminals would all use Toyotas or Hondas. Nobody would be able to find them because they all look the same. Oh is that a racist comment? (ya she really said this... wow) 

I just lied because I wanted to ruin his life. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Today I went to Stateville, Maximum Security Correctional Center. It was amazing. I was a little (lot) scary and at times I kind of just wanted to cry... but I didn't, and I looked and was just inspired. I'm not sure I want to be a public defender after today, Prosecutor definent possibility. But after seeing those men today, after the cat calls, after being openly jerked off to (that's what the guard said they were doing, why they darkened the rooms in the round). I'm not sure I want to defend those people... but at the same time I think of the wrongly accused, the not guilty, the innocent and think about them living in Stateville. and well that is disgusting. If you ever get the chance to go to Stateville, go. Open your eyes to a part of the world you only see on TV. It's literally another world. 

The Round House

Sky View of the Prison 

View of the cells in the round house