Sunday, January 20, 2013

1L Second Semester

One week of the second semester has been completed. School is school I guess. This semester is promising to be more intense than last semester; which is something I am not looking forward to. But alas, I am OVER half-way done with my 1L year, which I feel is pretty awesome.

I have also applied for a blogging scholarship. One of my classmates read my blog, said how true and honest it was, that she felt the same way at times with her experiences as a 1L, so she told me I should apply for some scholarships. So I did that, which is exciting. I doubt I'll get anything, but its worth a shot.

I was looking back over old posts, and some things deserve an update. Mainly Legal Writing. You will be happy to know that I got an A-! How exciting is that? I was hoping for a B, and did even better!

New Apartment- I moved into a new apartment. I love it. Its a 2 bedroom on the other side of town. I cannot hear my neighbors, which is so enjoyable. I also no longer live in the "party" part of town. Which is so very happy. I have an office, a bedroom, a kitchen, a living area, and a bathroom! I went from a studio to all of that! Wooowhooo. Only real problem is that my shower randomly scalds me. Which sucks.

Criminal Law- really intense. I like the professor. She is going to take us to Statesville. I'm pretty excited.

Contracts- Parol Evidence.

Civil Procedure- Petitions. People getting run down on Normal Road.

Constitutional Law- I love the Professor. He is awesome. The class is kind of like my history classes from Ripon College. I'm enjoying it.

Basic Legal Research- Workshop done, quiz to do this week.

Legal Writing- Oral argument, motion and memorandum are due on the 28th. Not looking forward to that. Our case is basically IL's version of Attractive Nuisance.

MLK Holiday- no school. How happy is that?

So now it is time to do some more homework. And perhaps watch Legally Blonde- its on TV. hmmm

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