Thursday, March 28, 2013


Today I went to Stateville, Maximum Security Correctional Center. It was amazing. I was a little (lot) scary and at times I kind of just wanted to cry... but I didn't, and I looked and was just inspired. I'm not sure I want to be a public defender after today, Prosecutor definent possibility. But after seeing those men today, after the cat calls, after being openly jerked off to (that's what the guard said they were doing, why they darkened the rooms in the round). I'm not sure I want to defend those people... but at the same time I think of the wrongly accused, the not guilty, the innocent and think about them living in Stateville. and well that is disgusting. If you ever get the chance to go to Stateville, go. Open your eyes to a part of the world you only see on TV. It's literally another world. 

The Round House

Sky View of the Prison 

View of the cells in the round house

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Important Day

As a strong advocate of LGBT rights, I wanted to share with you some amazing audio:

Proposition 8

I am excited to see how it comes out. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quotes from Class

I feel like I haven't posted quotes from class in a bit... so here goes

When Going over Midterm Exam: How is it going? How ya doin’? I’m trying to read the room… is this a suicidal moment?

Professor is going to Key West for spring break… discussing his fishing with the new developments of sharks off the coast… I say “You could catch a shark and put it in your office”… he says “no lawyers…sharks… professional courtesy not to do that…”

People who did not study grammar end up committing crimes… I see the connection.

If you like the sound of emergency vehicles… move to a senior center area, always a house for sale. My sister lives there, she went there looking for men… they are all dead.

Never get into a subway car if the only other person is a middle aged white man, because he may kill you.

We read those admissions essays… All I want to do is just serve the poor… Thank You Pope Francis. 

You are in a classroom full of people who have only gotten straight A’s. Now they are sharks. Not everyone can get an A, you’ll get eaten. Shoot the guy who got the perfect score, that’ll take care of the curve, sorry you know I love criminal law.

So you all learned a new Lithuanian word today. Bullshitius. It is what you will do in your careers, and on your exam. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Morning From Hell

Got up at about 5:20. Checked email to see if Stateville was in lock-down. Checked thermostat, temperature 61 degrees. Brrr. Turn up heat. Get showered and all dressed up in my suit. Head outside. Wind-chill -4 degrees. BRRRRRRRRRRR. Drive to school, pay $5 to pay in visitor parking. Scurry over to the law school, put my bag in my locker and head over to the bus. It is now 7:00 AM.

Get on the bus. Bus is chilly, but not bad. Wait until 7:20 for bus to leave. During this 20 minutes the bus randomly shut off 2 times, but it didn't seem to bug the driver so whatevs. Bus pulled onto the road. Bus stopped working. Bus has now travelled about 100 feet. Bus pulled over, driver called for new bus. Sit on bus about 10 minutes waiting for new bus, without heat. Its freezing.

Get on new bus. The "new bus" is about 50 years old, and the seats are like an OLD school bus, and FREEZING. Bus gets back on the road, follows old bus to bus garage. Bus driver goes to get Ipass. Door won't open. Spends a few minutes fiddling with the door to make it open, goes and gets the pass. Gets back on, and we are on the road for real. It is now 7:45, we have about 1.25 hour long drive to get there, and about 1 hour to do it in. Okay.

Get on the interstate. Bus driver gets a phone call. Classmate checks her email on her smart phone, Stateville is in lock-down. Bus driver gets off on the next exit. Does not just get back on the I going the other way, that would be logical. Nope. Takes us home the scenic route, through pot-hole ridden roads. Did I mention we are on a freezing cold, old bus. Bounce, bounce, brrrr.

Get back to school. It is now 8:30ish. Get in my car, drive home. My apt seems colder. Text landlord to see what is up. A boiler is out. They are working on it. My apt is now 58 degrees. I'm baking and boiling water to create heat.

Worst of all? I don't get to go to Stateville any more. :'( And I'm cold!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break

Break is done. It was too short.

I spent the first part of my break with my boyfriend. It was great to get to see him. I slept in like every day and got to spend lots of time with my Jaker dog. :) That was fantastic.

The second part of break was spent with my Mom. Mom and I made some yummy food. I did some outlines and outlined my "B" argument for the Appellate Brief. In addition I spent lots of time with Dolly dog. Which was great.

I came back to DeKalb today. Back to reality. Back to reading cases, doing homework, and wishing I had more time. I know I spent most of break sleeping, watching TV and generally not being productive, which I may kick myself over soon... but I really needed the mental break. Like badly.

All my homework is officially done for tomorrow, and Tuesday I get to go tour Stateville! I'm pretty excited. Here is a link to some info about it: No wonder I'm excited!

Before break I interviewed with a great company to be a law clerk for this summer and into next school year. I really hope I got it, and I find out this week. Nervous, but hopefully they pick me.

Anyway I'm coming down with a cold, and judging from how it progressed with first my sister and then my mom I need to go to bed early tonight. Plus getting up before 9am is going to take some effort tomorrow... This song is also in my head... enjoy:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snowy Afternoon

School was closed today at 12:30. I was going to take a nap, but alas I made Criminal Law flashcards. I turned in my "A" argument for the appellate brief on Monday. I have a criminal law midterm that accounts for 40% of my grade... so I'm studying for that. Gah I cannot wait for break. Not that it'll be that great, I mean outlining, and writing my brief... but at least I'll get to see mom and my boyfriend. That will be nice. :) Maybe a nap would be a good idea... I could use it.

In the meantime here are some quotes from classes recently:

Look at your freedom flourishing right here… bam!

I think you’ve got a little extra step there which gives me heart burn.

“Hopped Up” That’s a technical term.

They are like “hey little boy have some corn syrup.”

The professor asks for reasons for punishment, she calls on a girl in class who has a rainbow on her computer… she says rehabilitation. Professor says “I knew you’d say that, you have that pretty rainbow on your computer.”

That’s pretty much a slap on the wrist for eating your fellow sea men… ohhh God… that’s what they call it!

Who’s my favorite former politician… oh that’s right Jerry Springer.