Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break

Break is done. It was too short.

I spent the first part of my break with my boyfriend. It was great to get to see him. I slept in like every day and got to spend lots of time with my Jaker dog. :) That was fantastic.

The second part of break was spent with my Mom. Mom and I made some yummy food. I did some outlines and outlined my "B" argument for the Appellate Brief. In addition I spent lots of time with Dolly dog. Which was great.

I came back to DeKalb today. Back to reality. Back to reading cases, doing homework, and wishing I had more time. I know I spent most of break sleeping, watching TV and generally not being productive, which I may kick myself over soon... but I really needed the mental break. Like badly.

All my homework is officially done for tomorrow, and Tuesday I get to go tour Stateville! I'm pretty excited. Here is a link to some info about it: No wonder I'm excited!

Before break I interviewed with a great company to be a law clerk for this summer and into next school year. I really hope I got it, and I find out this week. Nervous, but hopefully they pick me.

Anyway I'm coming down with a cold, and judging from how it progressed with first my sister and then my mom I need to go to bed early tonight. Plus getting up before 9am is going to take some effort tomorrow... This song is also in my head... enjoy:

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