Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quotes from Class

I feel like I haven't posted quotes from class in a bit... so here goes

When Going over Midterm Exam: How is it going? How ya doin’? I’m trying to read the room… is this a suicidal moment?

Professor is going to Key West for spring break… discussing his fishing with the new developments of sharks off the coast… I say “You could catch a shark and put it in your office”… he says “no lawyers…sharks… professional courtesy not to do that…”

People who did not study grammar end up committing crimes… I see the connection.

If you like the sound of emergency vehicles… move to a senior center area, always a house for sale. My sister lives there, she went there looking for men… they are all dead.

Never get into a subway car if the only other person is a middle aged white man, because he may kill you.

We read those admissions essays… All I want to do is just serve the poor… Thank You Pope Francis. 

You are in a classroom full of people who have only gotten straight A’s. Now they are sharks. Not everyone can get an A, you’ll get eaten. Shoot the guy who got the perfect score, that’ll take care of the curve, sorry you know I love criminal law.

So you all learned a new Lithuanian word today. Bullshitius. It is what you will do in your careers, and on your exam. 

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