Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Morning From Hell

Got up at about 5:20. Checked email to see if Stateville was in lock-down. Checked thermostat, temperature 61 degrees. Brrr. Turn up heat. Get showered and all dressed up in my suit. Head outside. Wind-chill -4 degrees. BRRRRRRRRRRR. Drive to school, pay $5 to pay in visitor parking. Scurry over to the law school, put my bag in my locker and head over to the bus. It is now 7:00 AM.

Get on the bus. Bus is chilly, but not bad. Wait until 7:20 for bus to leave. During this 20 minutes the bus randomly shut off 2 times, but it didn't seem to bug the driver so whatevs. Bus pulled onto the road. Bus stopped working. Bus has now travelled about 100 feet. Bus pulled over, driver called for new bus. Sit on bus about 10 minutes waiting for new bus, without heat. Its freezing.

Get on new bus. The "new bus" is about 50 years old, and the seats are like an OLD school bus, and FREEZING. Bus gets back on the road, follows old bus to bus garage. Bus driver goes to get Ipass. Door won't open. Spends a few minutes fiddling with the door to make it open, goes and gets the pass. Gets back on, and we are on the road for real. It is now 7:45, we have about 1.25 hour long drive to get there, and about 1 hour to do it in. Okay.

Get on the interstate. Bus driver gets a phone call. Classmate checks her email on her smart phone, Stateville is in lock-down. Bus driver gets off on the next exit. Does not just get back on the I going the other way, that would be logical. Nope. Takes us home the scenic route, through pot-hole ridden roads. Did I mention we are on a freezing cold, old bus. Bounce, bounce, brrrr.

Get back to school. It is now 8:30ish. Get in my car, drive home. My apt seems colder. Text landlord to see what is up. A boiler is out. They are working on it. My apt is now 58 degrees. I'm baking and boiling water to create heat.

Worst of all? I don't get to go to Stateville any more. :'( And I'm cold!

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