Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snowy Afternoon

School was closed today at 12:30. I was going to take a nap, but alas I made Criminal Law flashcards. I turned in my "A" argument for the appellate brief on Monday. I have a criminal law midterm that accounts for 40% of my grade... so I'm studying for that. Gah I cannot wait for break. Not that it'll be that great, I mean outlining, and writing my brief... but at least I'll get to see mom and my boyfriend. That will be nice. :) Maybe a nap would be a good idea... I could use it.

In the meantime here are some quotes from classes recently:

Look at your freedom flourishing right here… bam!

I think you’ve got a little extra step there which gives me heart burn.

“Hopped Up” That’s a technical term.

They are like “hey little boy have some corn syrup.”

The professor asks for reasons for punishment, she calls on a girl in class who has a rainbow on her computer… she says rehabilitation. Professor says “I knew you’d say that, you have that pretty rainbow on your computer.”

That’s pretty much a slap on the wrist for eating your fellow sea men… ohhh God… that’s what they call it!

Who’s my favorite former politician… oh that’s right Jerry Springer. 

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