Thursday, February 28, 2013


The Appellate Brief's "A" argument is due on Monday... I work on it at least 2 or 3 or 4 hours a day... it is basically all consuming. 

I have a mid-term in Criminal Law on Thursday, 7 days from now... it counts for 40% of my grade. I haven't even begun to study, and probably won't until after Monday. Oh and the criminal law prof has a horrid cold... and I'm convinced she is going to infect our classroom... if she gets me sick I'm going to be pissed. 

I'm tired. I'm not sleeping well.... I think its the stress... I'm so ready for spring break. So very ready. 

Well... I guess that's all I have time for. But here are some more professor quotes from the past few days...

Administrative Law-- Get ready, cause this is going to hurt your brain

I read the statistics and am sad that 14 year olds seem to be having more fun than I do

You can rape my daughter but don’t take my F*in hub caps cause I will blow you away… maybe it was the same dad… I don’t know.

We would hope that a 20 year old who had sex with a 14 year old would get more than probation, unless he’s a cardinal.

But I’m a man so I don’t know.

Plenary power… that’s a lawyer’s way of saying doing whatever the hell you want.

Even if it’s a gun I made in my own back yard… Ok… don’t fight the hypo.

But a horse is a horse of course of course.

If I were into cross dressing I’d have a complete wardrobe… that’s the good news.

Don’t be afraid… do you think I’m going to remember tomorrow if you were wrong or right? 

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