Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Frustration and Procrastination

I'm working on writing my appellate brief for legal writing. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong, that I'm not going to be able to write it, that the more I work on it the more I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I wrote point headings for my "A" argument last night, and sent them to the prof. She said I'm on the right track, but to limit it to two point headings. I had 3. Ok I can do that.

I wrote my "A1" argument tonight. I am confident I did it wrong. I am going to go in to see the prof. tomorrow to go over it, I emailed it to her tonight. Hopefully she looks at it and can get me going on a semi-right path. I don't want to write the A2 argument or the general intro until I know I'm going in the right direction. (I write introductions last...) Gah I just don't know what to do with it! I mean seriously.

I'm back to feeling like an idiot. Wondering why they even let me into law school. I mean I know a lot of my classmates are having a hard time as well, but honestly that isn't much comfort. Well it kind of is... idk

I feel like a shitty student because I keep only doing the argument in little chunks and waiting to go over it. But then I think that is being smart about it, I'm not working down the wrong path... At least that's my justification.

I am done with all my reading for the week. Which is good. I'm going to start reading for next week tomorrow. Why?

Next Week I have:
1. Argument 1 of appellate brief due on Monday
2. Constitutional law take home midterm (worth 10 points... which is quite a few in law school) Received Monday, due Wednesday
3. Criminal Law Midterm worth 40% of my grade Thursday
4. Assignment 3 for Basic Legal Research due Friday.

In addition to all the reading etc. that normally absorbs all my time.

Gah this week is busy too... Wed I have night class, its part of the "Professionalism Series" usually I don't mind the lectures or the after dinner, they are fun, but it does kill my Wednesdays (which are already booked from 9-3) Thursday I'm meeting my mentor/ going to a networking pizza party thing, which means that Thursday is shot as well. Its not that I cannot do homework when I get back from these things, but my day gets so full and so stressful and there is just so much to do that by the time I get home I just want to sleep.

Perhaps I should work on some Monday reading... but I'm confident that the Contracts professor will cancel class tomorrow (there is a massive blizzard in IL right now and he hates driving in bad weather, and its a 9am class). So I'll have a little extra time to read/work on Assignment 3/meet with my legal writing prof tomorrow.

Maybe I am procrastinating too much. Writing it out like this doesn't make it seem like I am... it makes me anxious to know I have this much to do before spring break... but I mean whatevs.

I have a great plan for spring break. Its really amazing... ready?
1. Write the Appellate Brief
2. Outline all my classes up through break

I tried to set something up with my family and my boyfriends family for the first weekend... but idk if thats going to happen... we'll see. I'm planning on spending most of break absorbed in the law. I may spend it at my moms or my boyfriends... its better then chillin in DeKalb alone. My boyfriend has to clean up the house though if I'm going to stay there for a week. His roommate and he have truly turned the house into a man cave. I'm a type A personality... ya.

Ok well perhaps I shall read some more Contracts... oh plug for Economics classes, it makes understanding expectation damages way easier. Special shout out to Professors Schoofs & Hauge for helping me understand economics well enough to make law a little easier. :)

Hope its nice where you are, there are ice pellets hitting my window... eww.

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