Thursday, November 29, 2012

As Classes End

I had my last Torts class this morning. And I have my last Property class this afternoon. Tomorrow I have Contracts and Civil Procedure (which continue into next semester). My torts professor ended class in a unique way. She read us her Tort's professor's words of wisdom... They had to do with keeping your moral balance. Not neglecting those you love and not deviating from your beliefs. I know I am neglecting my mom, siblings, boyfriend, friends right now. Yesterday was my birthday. A friend surprised me with a little cake. :) (I did the family boyfriend stuff over Thanksgiving break). Anyway my friend and I proceeded to review Property while eating hamburger helper and cake. Then I sat down and worked for 5 (ish) hours to complete my Property outline. So much homework on a  day when I'm supposed to be with the ones I love. I talked to my mom for a while, but she said I was being very negative and so she had to go. I felt bad. But at the same time I don't know how to be positive right now. I'm going to be a Bitch for the next 3.5 weeks. Its sad, and shitty, and I'm not going to have a life, but I have exams. Then I think about what my Torts professor read to us... I'm not ok with neglecting those I love. They understand to some extent that I am really stressed... but nobody but a law student can fully understand how stressful exams are. I have always relied on those few "oh she always asks questions, pays attention, is prepared for class" points. Those don't exist in law school to  a large extent. My professors grade blind and most (if not all) do not even know what grade they gave you. The secretaries match up the exam numbers with the people. How sucky is that? I was a great student all semester but I won't get any fluff points? boo.

On the exam prep end I was able to condense 175 typed pages of notes into a 27 page outline last night. As my property exam comes closer I will thin that outline and memorize key things to help me issue spot. I am working on my contracts outline today. 165 pages of notes. Think about under grad, or high school. Did you EVER take that many pages of notes in one semester? And I'm not talking furiously writing for the entire class period. This is just the important stuff from class, my own personal case briefs, and discussions on those cases. Its crazy intimidating. But now that I've done the property one I'm sure the other ones will be doable.

Well that is enough of a lunch break. Back to outlining for contracts. And preparing for my legal writing timed writing exam today at 2. Wish me Luck! I'll need it :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Last Week

Today began the last week of classes. What follows is 3 weeks of final exams. The 1Ls have the good fortune to have 4 days between each exam. Thank God for that.

I don't know whether to be scared stiff or excited. So I'm feeling a mixture of both. I'm basically done with the reading for the rest of the week, and therefore the rest of the semester. Which is a happy feeling.

I have outlines started ish half done ish for all of my classes. Which is good. Actually not really good. More like depressing as hell. But whatevs.

I finished taking a semesters worth of online Barbri Civil Procedure courses. I now have a clue what a regular professor would test for. However, that does not apply to my Civ Pro professor... so I have no clue what to do with that class.

In addition I sent an email to my landlord here in hell explaining that if any raging parties occur during finals I will call the police. Which is a fast way to make studying easier. But it does make me feel even more like a hermit in my cave.

Now it is back to homework,

The end is in sight.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

7 days of class

7 Days of Class. That is all that stands between me and 3 weeks of finals.

I spent several hours in the law library yesterday proof reading, adding sources, and proofing some more. I was then able to hand in Memo II!!! Which is pretty exciting. :) It constitutes over half of my grade. I'll be ecstatic if I get a B, content with a C. I've come to the conclusion that being average amongst law students means you are still pretty smart. So I'm ok with average. Although I prefer to be ahead of the curve.

This week constitutes 2 days of class and then a 5 day weekend. I'm so thankful for this Thanksgiving break. I'm going to crank out some Barbri Civil Pro classes and try to get some Property outlining, and Civil Pro flow charting done. Not exactly "a break" but it will be nice to be with my family and boyfriend. And my puppies!

Another note. As anyone who has gotten as far as high school is well aware, teachers try to cram in info over the last weeks of class. Well in law school they take this to a new level. My torts prof who at times can take 2-3 days on one assignment gave us 2 assignments for Monday, totaling 30 ish pages. All on damages.. So the cases aren't that "cool" or "fun" to read. It is statistics, and math, and present value.... and I decided not to be a business major for a reason...

I have now developed a bit of a stomach bug/head cold. It is so awesome... NOT.

So I'm going to read some more torts, write some briefs... and go to bed early.

Happy 7 days to go!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Light at the End of the 1LTunnel

Sigh. School. Sigh. Homework. Sigh.

Thanksgiving is one week away.

Classes are done in 15 days, and technically only 8 of those are school days. I have a lot of homework to do between now and then. Most of it I do not want to do. Gagh.

But today I rediscovered the light at the end of the 1L tunnel. It's called summer study abroad in Algen, France. I am so excited. I simply cannot wait for May. There was an info meeting tonight after class. We take 2 three credit classes over the course of six weeks. They are taught by French Law Professors (in English). In addition to the classroom learning we go on fun and educational field trips. We will go to Paris, Bordeaux, and Spain. It is going to be so awesome.

I have one exam done. The next four will be completed over 3 weeks in December. December... so close and yet so far away.

Homework. I talked to my prof. about being grossed out by some of the medical malpractice cases. She said as you get better at it you learn what you can skim over so you don't get so grossed out. So that is an upside.

Sigh. Memo II..... long sigh will it ever be done? Yes it will. By Monday at 8:50am. Monday 4 days. Sigh.

But I need to remember the light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hugs Would be Appreciated Today

Wake up. Tired. Monday. ya. not cool. Ah! Go outside, wait for the bus. So Frickin Cold outside. Not ok. Winter coat and hat in mid November... wtf. Ok so in writing it doesn't look that crazy but keep in mind I'm from WI... we wear warm clothes only when it is COLD... but then again I'm always cold so alas.

Class. Ok. Frustrating... but nothing new.

Other law students. Frustrating. A little two faced... which is annoying as hell. I'm both too quiet in social situations too hang out with others and make friends and not smart enough to hang out with certain members of my class... they have their own little elite group... they make fun of others who get confused, talk down to people and slowly edge you out when they realize you aren't as smart as they are. Which is a great way to make me feel. And the thing is I don't have time to make friends with people who aren't law students. It sucks. I'm hoping that I'm wrong... but I'm beginning to doubt this...

Homework. Hell. Nothing new there.

Sorry this post is so grrrr it is just how today has been. yup. grrrr

Sunday, November 11, 2012


November 11. 12 days of class left before 3 weeks of final examinations. 7 days until Memo II is due. 2 days until the Basic Legal Research (BLR) final exam. Just typing this scares me. For one, my motivation is going out the window.... yup there it goes into the rain... bye bye. Each day is a struggle to make myself learn more, to make myself work on Memo II, to make myself read  cases. I cannot wait for winter break. It is going to be amazing. I'm going to sleep and perhaps read a book for fun!

Friday was one of the most stressful days I have ever had. Thursday night my lovely building had a huge party. Music was blaring and everyone (but me) was having a grand old time. I am one of those people who have to have at least 8 hours of sleep. It is mandatory. So I got to class and was running on about 4 hours of sleep, and not good sleep at that. I'm tired, my stomach hurts (I have irritable bowl syndrome IBS, so stomach aches are frequent and horrible) and I just want to get through Contracts. If I can make it through Contracts I can go home and take some more tummy meds (you'd think I'd remember to bring these with me to school... but nope). The professor walks in. Ok I can do this. Then he says the dreaded words.... "Today we are going to get through the Statute of Frauds with Ms. Heath's help". Oh shit. That's me. FML. He is a funny little man who loves to BS with us all... I look at him and ask what did I do wrong? Everyone laughs... He does this every once in awhile to people. One guy was put on call like that for wearing a Packer jersey to class. Turns out you don't email the professor asking about the syllabus without being put on call. The next 50 minutes is a blur. I explain 2 cases, answer questions about a problem in the book, explain 2-201 of the UCC, and then get to talk about surteyship (thank God I looked that word up). I survive. I get complimented by people in the class via facebook, and in person. I went up to him after class and said "just so you know my neighbors kept me up all night with a crazy party... so I'm sorry if I was a little out of it" he laughed and said I did just fine. Blagh 

Motivation... so gone... sooo not with me. Why does Monday have to come so fast? Monday could be canceled. That would be amazing. And the thing is this week is going to be homework filled. Sooo much to do. It is going to be crazy.

Wish me luck, and motivation, I'm going to need it.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Alarm goes off.... why??? Its Monday. Darn! Sheldon, as he always does when my alarm goes off, crawls up onto my belly and purrs, begging me to stay in bed. OOOOh how I wish.

Go to school. Professor shows us this really funny article about a man whose last name is "Dumbdumb" turns out he avoided paying taxes; so the title was something about Dumbdumb caught for tax evasion. Epic. Then lecture started. Egh... I think I understand what is going on, kind of. Then its time for a quick break. Great I get to go use the little girls room. NOPE just kidding. I forgot to go get change for the bake sale. So its time to run across the street to the bank to get some quarters and dollars. Can't withdraw the money from the student group account, apparently I need the to write a check to cash to get at that money. Shit. OK well I'll just front the money. Go fill out another slip. Go up to a different teller, get the money. Then get questioned by the first teller (the one who wouldn't let me at the group money) because he is confident I must have tricked the other teller. Nope just used my own money. (talk about dumb dumbs...) OK run back across the street. Sweet I do have time to use the ladies room. Thank God. Torts. One and a half hours of Proximate Cause. The prof doesn't like one of the decisions, and rants about how she doesn't agree with the judge. Ok so why are we reading it? You write the exam not him. grrrr Lunch. Heat up some leftovers and run upstairs to work the bake sale. Sold a bunch of stuff, yay! Back downstairs. Property. Title Assurance, Recording, and all that jazz. I get it... I think. Legal writing. ooooh legal writing. Memo II will no doubt contribute to my increasing anxiety. gahhhhhh I must use 10-15 cases. Between 5 and 10 of those must be cited in the general rule. ahhhh I thought I was on top of things. NOPE. Anxiety level 1 million. Prof makes me feel like I'm behind. She's very ambitious and quick talking... by the end of the class I want to cry, or curl up in a ball and somehow magically get done with everything. Class done. Back up stairs, help wrap up bake sale.

Go home. Get boyfriend's parents Christmas present I ordered in the mail. Its awesome. I hope they like it. Now what to get their son.... blagh no clue. Sit down and proceed to call insurance companies and clinics to argue over bills. Mwahaha. I love when they think they will win the argument because I'm young. They are so wrong... That is one thing law school teaches you. I can argue soooo much better than I used to be able to. Much to the dismay of my family. Bring it on little sibblings. thehehe. Apartment is freezing. turned heat up, still not warm.

Do I want dinner? I don't know... I'm really not feeling well. I have Torts to do for tomorrow. And Memo II, I am apparently behind, at least that is how I feel. Perhaps that will be a weekend project... if I get all my homework done for Monday this week I can crank out most of Memo II this weekend. Except that was my plan this past weekend. I got a lot of property done, and I thought I had a lot of Memo II done. blagh

Plan for the evening? Turn the heat up more, Torts, Civil Pro, bed, maybe dinner if I feel better. And if I'm fast enough at reading maybe I'll get to watch Dancing with the Stars! ooooh I must get to work!

That is a Monday.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Medical Malpractice

My legal writing professor did medical malpractice before she was a prof. So my Memo assignments have been related to medical malpractice. I DO NOT WANT TO BE A MED MAL ATTORNEY. Why? Well reading some of the cases for research makes me nauseated. We are doing a case about medical malpractice and stent placement, for those of you who don't know stents are placed with a special kind of catheter. So I ran a search about med mal cases with catheters involved. Yeah. As it turns out a catheter (of another kind) broke off in an obese man's neck (possibly) because the person who removed the stent pulled to hard on it. (the judge went into detail... it was soooo gross) I had to call my mom to keep myself from vomiting. I guess I know I will never be a doctor or a nurse too based on that... alas the case wasn't that helpful so hopefully I won't need to read it again.


Grrrr... I don't know what I'm going to do.

First Rant: My cat. I love him. I've had him a few weeks and he can be just the sweetest thing. HOWEVER recently he has decided to see how many times he can bite me. He gets this possessed look on his face, and then bites me! Its like he has multiple personality disorder... and the bad personality is becoming the dominate one. I talked to an expert today who specializes in formerly feral cats, and she said I have a bad cat. :( But I'm going to try some techniques to regain control and hopefully my loving kitty. After all he is a cat whose purpose is to reduce my stress... not drive me crazy.

Second Rant: Homework. For one of my classes this week we have to read 82 pages. Now to those undergrads reading this and saying yeah I have that for one night... I know I was a history major, I averaged 300 pages a week per class... BUT READING FOR LAW SCHOOL IS DIFFERENT. It takes time, analysis, case briefing, and understanding... so much work.

Third Rant: Liars. Why do people lie? It is not ok. If the people whom I rescued Sheldon from had been honest I wouldn't have been in this mess. If the people who I rented from had been honest I wouldn't be consulting legal advice. And finally if people stopped telling lies we wouldn't have to watch all these damn political commercials!

Ok so ranting complete. Now I must eat some dinner and enjoy an adult beverage. ;)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November...da da da dun...

It is finally November. 25 days until my birthday to be exact. Also 33 days until my first law final. I'm tired, and really not in the mood to work on my Memo II project. But I really do need to get to work. My plan for the weekend is to do Property and Legal Writing-- crack down and get some stuff done. I busted but this week, and everything for Monday is done, I just want to get a jump start and understand what we've done thus far better. Memo II is proving to be a HUGE project, very time consuming... and I'm not sure how to start writing... Again motivation..... so not with me today. I am getting to spend some quality time with Sheldon, my kitty cat. I've always been a dog person, but I must say this kitty is growing on me. He has taken to sleeping on top of me at night, its like having a vibrating (purring) heating pad on your chest. I love it.

Yesterday was an eventful day. I went to my Contracts professor to discuss my midterm. He made me feel much better. He said that what I had on the paper was really solid, but that I ran out of time. Which did make me feel pretty good- at least I wasn't wrong with what I wrote, I just didn't have enough time to write everything down. On the bright side I get to use exam soft for the final, which will allow me to put my thoughts down quicker. In addition to this happy meeting I spoke to my attorney and discovered that I have a pretty good case and will probably be able to move in January! This excites me to no end. My apartment is nice, but its in the heart of the party-loving part of town... law students don't party, at least not 7 nights a week. Ooh to be an undergraduate again. Then I went and toured a new apartment, its nice, just oddly put together... like the people who designed it may have been a little drunk. But its a possibility. To end my day I went shopping and talked to a really nice lady in the cat isle at Walmart. She gave me some much needed advice about my kitty cat. :)

Well I suppose I should get back to my homework and my laundry. And my Big Bang Theory marathon... which makes for great background noise while I clean and write this blog.