Thursday, November 29, 2012

As Classes End

I had my last Torts class this morning. And I have my last Property class this afternoon. Tomorrow I have Contracts and Civil Procedure (which continue into next semester). My torts professor ended class in a unique way. She read us her Tort's professor's words of wisdom... They had to do with keeping your moral balance. Not neglecting those you love and not deviating from your beliefs. I know I am neglecting my mom, siblings, boyfriend, friends right now. Yesterday was my birthday. A friend surprised me with a little cake. :) (I did the family boyfriend stuff over Thanksgiving break). Anyway my friend and I proceeded to review Property while eating hamburger helper and cake. Then I sat down and worked for 5 (ish) hours to complete my Property outline. So much homework on a  day when I'm supposed to be with the ones I love. I talked to my mom for a while, but she said I was being very negative and so she had to go. I felt bad. But at the same time I don't know how to be positive right now. I'm going to be a Bitch for the next 3.5 weeks. Its sad, and shitty, and I'm not going to have a life, but I have exams. Then I think about what my Torts professor read to us... I'm not ok with neglecting those I love. They understand to some extent that I am really stressed... but nobody but a law student can fully understand how stressful exams are. I have always relied on those few "oh she always asks questions, pays attention, is prepared for class" points. Those don't exist in law school to  a large extent. My professors grade blind and most (if not all) do not even know what grade they gave you. The secretaries match up the exam numbers with the people. How sucky is that? I was a great student all semester but I won't get any fluff points? boo.

On the exam prep end I was able to condense 175 typed pages of notes into a 27 page outline last night. As my property exam comes closer I will thin that outline and memorize key things to help me issue spot. I am working on my contracts outline today. 165 pages of notes. Think about under grad, or high school. Did you EVER take that many pages of notes in one semester? And I'm not talking furiously writing for the entire class period. This is just the important stuff from class, my own personal case briefs, and discussions on those cases. Its crazy intimidating. But now that I've done the property one I'm sure the other ones will be doable.

Well that is enough of a lunch break. Back to outlining for contracts. And preparing for my legal writing timed writing exam today at 2. Wish me Luck! I'll need it :)

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