Sunday, November 11, 2012


November 11. 12 days of class left before 3 weeks of final examinations. 7 days until Memo II is due. 2 days until the Basic Legal Research (BLR) final exam. Just typing this scares me. For one, my motivation is going out the window.... yup there it goes into the rain... bye bye. Each day is a struggle to make myself learn more, to make myself work on Memo II, to make myself read  cases. I cannot wait for winter break. It is going to be amazing. I'm going to sleep and perhaps read a book for fun!

Friday was one of the most stressful days I have ever had. Thursday night my lovely building had a huge party. Music was blaring and everyone (but me) was having a grand old time. I am one of those people who have to have at least 8 hours of sleep. It is mandatory. So I got to class and was running on about 4 hours of sleep, and not good sleep at that. I'm tired, my stomach hurts (I have irritable bowl syndrome IBS, so stomach aches are frequent and horrible) and I just want to get through Contracts. If I can make it through Contracts I can go home and take some more tummy meds (you'd think I'd remember to bring these with me to school... but nope). The professor walks in. Ok I can do this. Then he says the dreaded words.... "Today we are going to get through the Statute of Frauds with Ms. Heath's help". Oh shit. That's me. FML. He is a funny little man who loves to BS with us all... I look at him and ask what did I do wrong? Everyone laughs... He does this every once in awhile to people. One guy was put on call like that for wearing a Packer jersey to class. Turns out you don't email the professor asking about the syllabus without being put on call. The next 50 minutes is a blur. I explain 2 cases, answer questions about a problem in the book, explain 2-201 of the UCC, and then get to talk about surteyship (thank God I looked that word up). I survive. I get complimented by people in the class via facebook, and in person. I went up to him after class and said "just so you know my neighbors kept me up all night with a crazy party... so I'm sorry if I was a little out of it" he laughed and said I did just fine. Blagh 

Motivation... so gone... sooo not with me. Why does Monday have to come so fast? Monday could be canceled. That would be amazing. And the thing is this week is going to be homework filled. Sooo much to do. It is going to be crazy.

Wish me luck, and motivation, I'm going to need it.

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