Monday, November 5, 2012


Alarm goes off.... why??? Its Monday. Darn! Sheldon, as he always does when my alarm goes off, crawls up onto my belly and purrs, begging me to stay in bed. OOOOh how I wish.

Go to school. Professor shows us this really funny article about a man whose last name is "Dumbdumb" turns out he avoided paying taxes; so the title was something about Dumbdumb caught for tax evasion. Epic. Then lecture started. Egh... I think I understand what is going on, kind of. Then its time for a quick break. Great I get to go use the little girls room. NOPE just kidding. I forgot to go get change for the bake sale. So its time to run across the street to the bank to get some quarters and dollars. Can't withdraw the money from the student group account, apparently I need the to write a check to cash to get at that money. Shit. OK well I'll just front the money. Go fill out another slip. Go up to a different teller, get the money. Then get questioned by the first teller (the one who wouldn't let me at the group money) because he is confident I must have tricked the other teller. Nope just used my own money. (talk about dumb dumbs...) OK run back across the street. Sweet I do have time to use the ladies room. Thank God. Torts. One and a half hours of Proximate Cause. The prof doesn't like one of the decisions, and rants about how she doesn't agree with the judge. Ok so why are we reading it? You write the exam not him. grrrr Lunch. Heat up some leftovers and run upstairs to work the bake sale. Sold a bunch of stuff, yay! Back downstairs. Property. Title Assurance, Recording, and all that jazz. I get it... I think. Legal writing. ooooh legal writing. Memo II will no doubt contribute to my increasing anxiety. gahhhhhh I must use 10-15 cases. Between 5 and 10 of those must be cited in the general rule. ahhhh I thought I was on top of things. NOPE. Anxiety level 1 million. Prof makes me feel like I'm behind. She's very ambitious and quick talking... by the end of the class I want to cry, or curl up in a ball and somehow magically get done with everything. Class done. Back up stairs, help wrap up bake sale.

Go home. Get boyfriend's parents Christmas present I ordered in the mail. Its awesome. I hope they like it. Now what to get their son.... blagh no clue. Sit down and proceed to call insurance companies and clinics to argue over bills. Mwahaha. I love when they think they will win the argument because I'm young. They are so wrong... That is one thing law school teaches you. I can argue soooo much better than I used to be able to. Much to the dismay of my family. Bring it on little sibblings. thehehe. Apartment is freezing. turned heat up, still not warm.

Do I want dinner? I don't know... I'm really not feeling well. I have Torts to do for tomorrow. And Memo II, I am apparently behind, at least that is how I feel. Perhaps that will be a weekend project... if I get all my homework done for Monday this week I can crank out most of Memo II this weekend. Except that was my plan this past weekend. I got a lot of property done, and I thought I had a lot of Memo II done. blagh

Plan for the evening? Turn the heat up more, Torts, Civil Pro, bed, maybe dinner if I feel better. And if I'm fast enough at reading maybe I'll get to watch Dancing with the Stars! ooooh I must get to work!

That is a Monday.

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