Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Light at the End of the 1LTunnel

Sigh. School. Sigh. Homework. Sigh.

Thanksgiving is one week away.

Classes are done in 15 days, and technically only 8 of those are school days. I have a lot of homework to do between now and then. Most of it I do not want to do. Gagh.

But today I rediscovered the light at the end of the 1L tunnel. It's called summer study abroad in Algen, France. I am so excited. I simply cannot wait for May. There was an info meeting tonight after class. We take 2 three credit classes over the course of six weeks. They are taught by French Law Professors (in English). In addition to the classroom learning we go on fun and educational field trips. We will go to Paris, Bordeaux, and Spain. It is going to be so awesome.

I have one exam done. The next four will be completed over 3 weeks in December. December... so close and yet so far away.

Homework. I talked to my prof. about being grossed out by some of the medical malpractice cases. She said as you get better at it you learn what you can skim over so you don't get so grossed out. So that is an upside.

Sigh. Memo II..... long sigh will it ever be done? Yes it will. By Monday at 8:50am. Monday 4 days. Sigh.

But I need to remember the light at the end of the tunnel.

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