Monday, November 12, 2012

Hugs Would be Appreciated Today

Wake up. Tired. Monday. ya. not cool. Ah! Go outside, wait for the bus. So Frickin Cold outside. Not ok. Winter coat and hat in mid November... wtf. Ok so in writing it doesn't look that crazy but keep in mind I'm from WI... we wear warm clothes only when it is COLD... but then again I'm always cold so alas.

Class. Ok. Frustrating... but nothing new.

Other law students. Frustrating. A little two faced... which is annoying as hell. I'm both too quiet in social situations too hang out with others and make friends and not smart enough to hang out with certain members of my class... they have their own little elite group... they make fun of others who get confused, talk down to people and slowly edge you out when they realize you aren't as smart as they are. Which is a great way to make me feel. And the thing is I don't have time to make friends with people who aren't law students. It sucks. I'm hoping that I'm wrong... but I'm beginning to doubt this...

Homework. Hell. Nothing new there.

Sorry this post is so grrrr it is just how today has been. yup. grrrr

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