Sunday, November 18, 2012

7 days of class

7 Days of Class. That is all that stands between me and 3 weeks of finals.

I spent several hours in the law library yesterday proof reading, adding sources, and proofing some more. I was then able to hand in Memo II!!! Which is pretty exciting. :) It constitutes over half of my grade. I'll be ecstatic if I get a B, content with a C. I've come to the conclusion that being average amongst law students means you are still pretty smart. So I'm ok with average. Although I prefer to be ahead of the curve.

This week constitutes 2 days of class and then a 5 day weekend. I'm so thankful for this Thanksgiving break. I'm going to crank out some Barbri Civil Pro classes and try to get some Property outlining, and Civil Pro flow charting done. Not exactly "a break" but it will be nice to be with my family and boyfriend. And my puppies!

Another note. As anyone who has gotten as far as high school is well aware, teachers try to cram in info over the last weeks of class. Well in law school they take this to a new level. My torts prof who at times can take 2-3 days on one assignment gave us 2 assignments for Monday, totaling 30 ish pages. All on damages.. So the cases aren't that "cool" or "fun" to read. It is statistics, and math, and present value.... and I decided not to be a business major for a reason...

I have now developed a bit of a stomach bug/head cold. It is so awesome... NOT.

So I'm going to read some more torts, write some briefs... and go to bed early.

Happy 7 days to go!

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